When should you go to bed to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep?
This calculator helps you determine when you should go to bed based on your wake-up time, the number of hours you want to sleep, and the number of minutes you need to unwind.
If you feel a little tired and want a little more sleep, change the number of sleep hours.
If it takes you more/less time to get to sleep once you get in bed, change the "Unwind" time to suit you.
Continue tweaking the values until you find a good bedtime.
* "Bed time" is when you get into bed. This is a good time to read a book. Watching TV or getting on your computer limits the melatonin production, signaling your body it is time to go to sleep.
* Sometimes we get busy, so set your phones alarm to remind you when you should go to bed.
* A 2013 study published in the "Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine" reported that consuming caffeine six hours before bed can have a harmful effect on your ability to sleep soundly. (http://www.livestrong.com/article/430238-how-long-before-bed-should-i-stop-drinking-caffeine/)
* Melatonin supplements can help you get to sleep sooner. Over time your body can re-learn when to start producing melatonin so you can get to bed at a regular time. But if you are trying to change your sleeping habits for the better, try this about an hour before you want to sleep. I use melatonin when I am trying to go to bed earlier and my body may be use to a later time.